Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mother's Day collage for Katie

Such adorable little kiddos :) I really enjoyed this project. Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day
actual size 8x10

Monday, May 2, 2011

More Services I offer :)

Housekeeping in Progress gets a New look!

This was a fun blog to do. Though it fully convicted me to re-organize my pantry today. That's a good thing. Take a look and do a little reading. It may just inspire you.

housekeeping in progress

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shower invite for Judy (Rich & Sarah)

Nothing better than making a shower invite for a lovely couple who has been waiting 6 years to be blessed with their first child. Congrats to the 2 of you. Praying many blessings upon your "new" family

Edit: I was given the wrong date so this is now a remake... whoops.. will be fixed in a jiffy Judy